Urgent Care

Urgent Care services offered in Pomona, CA
Urgent Care

Urgent Care services offered in Pomona, CA

Sometimes you need urgent medical care but not the full support and costs of a hospital emergency room. At Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. in Pomona, California, their team provides urgent care on a cash basis. If you have flu symptoms, an unexplained rash, or other non-life-threatening concerns, make an appointment right away. Call the office or use the online tool to determine availability.

Urgent Care Q&A

What is urgent care?

When you have immediate medical needs but don’t want to be constrained by health insurance, seek urgent care from Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. Urgent care addresses non-life-threatening medical problems.

If you’ve suffered severe injuries or symptoms, like a gunshot wound or the signs of a heart attack, call 911 or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

The team personalizes urgent care to address your specific needs. She offers prompt evaluations and treatments for post-procedural complications, unexpected symptoms, and other urgent medical concerns.

When should I seek urgent care?

You should seek urgent care when you have an acute illness, like a fever, flu symptoms, or infections, or a minor injury like a sprain, cut, or bruises. Urgent care is also appropriate for sudden-onset symptoms that need prompt evaluation but aren’t severe enough to necessitate a visit to a hospital emergency room.

Which urgent care services do you provide?

Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. offers a range of urgent care services, including diagnosing and treating common problems, including:

  • Colds and the flu
  • Chronic coughs
  • Sore throat
  • Ear infections
  • Minor fractures
  • Cuts
  • Minor burns
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Skin infections
  • Allergies

Their team provides prompt evaluation and treatment to get you back to feeling your best.

What is fee-for-service urgent care?

The urgent care services at Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. are available on a fee-for-service basis. This payment system allows patients without insurance to receive timely medical attention. They are committed to ensuring that all patients, regardless of insurance coverage, can access high-quality health care when they need it most.

Do I need to make an appointment for urgent care services?

While appointments aren’t required for urgent care services, it’s best to call ahead to notify the team of your condition and estimated arrival time. This allows the team to prepare for your visit and ensure that she can attend to your urgent medical needs promptly. We advise going directly to a hospital emergency room or calling 911 for severe emergencies.

If you need urgent care, contact Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. Call right away or check the website for available appointments online.