Geriatric Care

Geriatric Care services offered in Pomona, CA
Geriatric Care

Geriatric Care services offered in Pomona, CA

Older adults have unique health care needs that demand specialized attention. Geriatric care is a vital aspect of the care provided by the providers at Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc, in Pomona, California. Older patients benefit from compassionate support, comprehensive assessments, and essential services that support their ongoing health needs. Call today or use the online tool to schedule an appointment for a senior patient.

Geriatric Care Q&A

What is geriatric care?

Geriatric care addresses the unique healthcare needs of older adults. As people age, they experience a range of physical, cognitive, and emotional changes and an increased risk of chronic medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and osteoporosis. Many conditions specifically target the older population, so geriatric care is crucial. 

Geriatric care provides specialized medical attention to promote healthy aging, prevent and manage chronic diseases, and enhance older patients’ overall quality of life.

At Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc., geriatric care includes a comprehensive patient health assessment, medication management, and fall risk evaluation. Yoodiy also assesses the social and emotional aspects of her geriatric patients’ well-being.

Which services does geriatric care typically include?

Geriatric care includes many services that address older adults’ unique needs. Your provider's ultimate goal is to improve older patients’ health and well-being and promote their independence and functional ability.

Geriatric services include:

  • Routine health screenings
  • Medication reviews to prevent adverse interactions
  • Memory and cognitive assessments
  • Managing chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and osteoarthritis
  • Immunizations (vaccinations)
  • Preventive measures to reduce fall risks

As a geriatric care provider, your provider also offers counseling and support for patients and their families to cope with age-related challenges. Counseling can include difficult conversations and ways to deal with end-of-life planning and palliative care.

Why is dedicated geriatric care beneficial?

Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. approaches geriatric care with a strong emphasis on each patient’s comfort and dignity. Your provider is trained to understand older adults’ unique needs and preferences, respecting their autonomy and individuality throughout the care process.

She uses active listening, empathy, and open communication to ensure her patients feel heard and understood. Your provider also takes the time to discuss the available treatments, involving patients and their families in making decisions.

When necessary, the staff at Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. will collaborate with other specialists and caregivers to create a comprehensive care plan that addresses not only the physical but also the emotional and social aspects of their elderly patients’ well-being.

Get premier geriatric care at Healthcare Medical Clinic of Pomona Inc. Call today to schedule an appointment, or use the online tool.